Monday 25 April 2016

Our first visitors! A moving update.

Thought I’d post a bit of an update on our slower than molasses in the wintertime construction project.

We’re in the process of getting all of our permits in place and organizing the contractors. The progress is slow, but I do have a couple of pictures of some changes that are shaping up.

It all starts with the first thing you will see... the front entrance. It is just starting to look like something other than empty space but we promise you, it will be spectacular!

Next come walls which don't make for exciting pictures but walls are necessary. We hope to add as few walls as possible.

We are nowhere near ready to host visitors but a few have been arriving so we can put them to work!

Rick from Global Vintners dropped by to check out our new digs and Marty Happy of Happy Ad Sign & Design stopped in to discuss his plans for our new sign!

I'd tell you about that sign but it is still a surprise. The only thing I can say for sure is that you will find the new sign

this summer at 2300 Dewdney Avenue!

Thank you to everyone working with us to get ready for the move. We’re super excited to be able to share more pictures in the hopefully not too distant future.

Rick checks out our new digs while John and Marty Happy make plans for our new sign.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Shop Local: Tasha's Day Spa

Our shop local feature this month is Tasha’s Day Spa. They specialize in hair, laser, nails and aesthetics. I’ve known owner Tasha Freistadt for many years now. She truly encapsulates the young entrepreneur. She worked as an aesthetician at a couple of spas/clinics in town and then decided to go it on her own. She found a spot at 925 11th Avenue and I don’t think she’s ever looked back.

Because she is so good at what she does, and has a wonderful personality, her customers love her and come back over and over. When she started out she did only nails and aesthetics. But her hard work has enabled her to expand her business, in size and services! Tasha’s Day Spa now offers hair styling, as well as laser hair removal, in addition to all the other services.

The entire staff at Tasha’s has a commitment to great customer service, which I love (as you know). I encourage you to check them out at or on Facebook.

Originally published in The Wine Cellar April 2016.